6360 Montez Villa Rd, San Diego, CA 92130 , USA.
Phone  : 877-576-6038
Fax       :  858-847-9608
Email    :  service@syntechsource.com

Some buliding blocks for your Drug Discovery and Development Studies

Welcome to Our Company

Syntech Solution was found by several industry and academic experts in Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry and Process Chemistry. Our mission is to support the need of Outsource for the drug discovery and development from the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Our goal is to use our expertise in the Synthetic Chemistry and Process Chemistry to offer a Solution for your Drug Discovery and Medical Studies.


With our strong and broad expertise and experience in Organic Synthesis, Process Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry, etc.,

Syntech Solution is well specialized in many keys areas for Drug Discovery and Medicinal Studies:

Organic Intermediates; Heterocyclic Compounds; Organoboronic Acids for Suziki Reactions; Potassium Alkenyl-, Alkyl- and Aryl- trifluoroborates for Suziki Reactions, Michel Addition, etc; Bench Study Chemicals and other Molecular Building Blocks for drug discovery.






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visits since Aug 15, 2010

Contract Research

Syntech Solution is a research and development company specializing in custom syntheses and contract research. In addition to synthesizing specific organic compounds,


Custom Synthesis: from mg to kg

  • Organic Intermediates
  • Heterocyclic Compounds
  • Special Organoboronic Acids
