Phone : 877-576-6038
Fax : 858-847-9608
Email :
How to Place Order
Catalog Compound Order Methods:
If you have a purchase order with your purchasing department, please fax it to us at 1-858-847-9608. You may use your own order form, or download the order form we provide (in pdf format). You may also send email to to place your order.
Click Here to Download Order Form
Payment Methods:
1. Credit card We accept Visa, Master and American Express. Please call us (1-877-576-6038) or fax to us (1-858-847-9608) the following information: (1) Card type, (2) card number, (3) expiration date, (4)card holder name and address, including city, state and zip code. You may use our credit card payment form (in pdf format).
2. Check or money order Please make it payable to Syntech Solution, and send it to us at our address.
3. Purchase orderIf you have a purchase order number with your purchasing department, you may use this number when placing your order. New customers please be aware that you must set up an account with us before you can place an order using this payment method.
Catalog Compounds
Contract Research
Syntech Solution is a research and development company specializing in custom syntheses and contract research. In addition to synthesizing specific organic compounds,
Custom Synthesis:
from mg to kg
- Organic Intermediates
- Heterocyclic Compounds
- Special Organoboronic Acids