6360 Montez Villa Rd, San Diego, CA 92130 , USA.
Phone  : 877-576-6038
Fax       :  858-847-9608
Email    :  service@syntechsource.com


  1. Dec, 2018: Update our catalog to include some exciting Photoinitiator and Pharmaceutical Intermediates Click Fine Chemicals for more information.
  2. July, 2014: Update our medicinal buliding block catalog, Click Medchem Building Block II for more information.
  3. May, 2013: Update our catalog.
  4. June, 2011: Our catalog products have increased significantly for some special boronic acids, please check Boronic acid III for more information.
  5. August, 2010: Syntech completely revised its website.
  6. By June of 2010: The number of unique catalog compounds dedicated to serving Medicinal and Pharmaceutical development needs increased to over 300.
  7. From 2005: In response to many of our customer demands, Syntech started a catalog compound business.
  8. April, 2003: Our first website, www.syntechsource.com, went live.
  9. May, 2002: Syntech Solution first established for Custom Synthesis business.


Contract Research

Syntech Solution is a research and development company specializing in custom syntheses and contract research. In addition to synthesizing specific organic compounds,


Custom Synthesis:
from mg to kg

  • Organic Intermediates
  • Heterocyclic Compounds
  • Special Organoboronic Acids
